The 2017/2018 winter season has seen near record breaking Snowy Owl sightings. To date, 150 Snowy Owls have been spotted in the current invasion. With that comes both healthy and injured birds. Humane Wildlife Indiana has helped take in 1/2 dozen injured owls. Not all survive. Via our partnership, IAS has received one of the Snowy Owls who’s life was too short. We do, however, have the opportunity to let this young female live on via the Indiana Audubon’s educational programming with school children and at Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary, as well as statewide in various workshops and programs.
Your donation today will fund the salvage taxidermy work to mount our Snowy Owl, so we can continue the story of this and other birds survival in Indiana. Please consider donating today.
The Indiana Audubon Society is the oldest conservation organization continuously operating in Indiana. It is not a chapter of the National Audubon Society, but an independent statewide organization. It was organized to stimulate interest in birds and their protection.
Thank you!