The Society publications are a benefit of membership and electronic copies of current and archived issues can be viewed online and/or downloaded once you log into the site using your membership ID and password. If you are not a member and wish to view the publications, please join now.
The Quarterly and the Cardinal rely on the Society membership to provide articles on Indiana birdlife and natural history, news and general interest information.
Indiana Audubon Quarterly
The Indiana Audubon Quarterly (IAQ) is the ornithological journal of record for the state of Indiana. It is published four times a year and features articles specifically devoted to Indiana ornithological information as well as timely articles on other natural history subjects, bird and wildflower census materials, and literature reviews.
The Cardinal
The Cardinal is the bimonthly electronic newsletter of the Society. The purpose of the Cardinal is to keep members notified of happenings on environmental issues, announce important Society dates and activities, report on meetings of officers and the Board of Directors, and provide information on field trips of interest to members. Businesses and individuals wishing to advertise in The Cardinal can find information here.
Are you interested in advertising in the Cardinal? See our Cardinal Ads Toolkit to get started.
The Indiana Audubon Society (IAS) is pleased to to offer a huge benefit for our online members. Included with your online membership* is a subscription to Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s online Birds of the World (BOW), a comprehensive reference of North America’s breeding birds.
The print version of BNA encompassed 18 volumes, over 18,000 pages and took the American Ornithologists’ Union, Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and the Academy of Natural Sciences 10 years to complete. The online version is an updatable living reference which includes the life history information detailed in the print version and has the added benefit of including calls, songs, video and supplemental information. Learn More about the Birds of North America
The annual BOW subscription cost is $49 but IAS is proud to offer this service to its online members at no additional cost. IAS is able to provide this benefit due to the tremendous response in migrating mail delivery of The Indiana Audubon Quarterly and The Cardinal to electronic delivery in 2009. The special committee for Publications and Website proposed the idea to the IAS Board during the January 2010 meeting and it was enthusiastically accepted. The committee believes BOW access to be a significant benefit to current online members and hopes to use BOW as a tool to recruit new members.
In order to access BOW, you will be required to login to the IAS webpage as usual. From there, go to the Birds of the World link on the Publications menu. You will need to login to it at the bottom of the page where it says Other club and association members login here. Quarterly access emails are sent to all members to login on the BOW site.
* The BOW benefit is not included with the Library, Fledgling, and Young Birder memberships.