Conservation Stewardship Breeding Bird Surveys
The USDA Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP) is a voluntary USDA program that encourages agricultural and forestry producers to address resource concerns by undertaking additional conservation activities and improving and maintaining existing conservation systems.
Under the CSP forest songbird habitat maintenance enhancement Hoosier landowners are required to conduct breeding bird surveys, in addition to have a songbird habitat analysis. Indiana Audubon contracts with state ornithologists and birding experts to connect landowners with meeting this requirement.
CSP breeding bird surveys are conducted between May 25-July 15, and begin at $250 for up to 100 acres (10 plots). Additional survey points are done at $10/plot needed (1 plot per 10 acres). All estimates are based on the recommended number of plots for low-intensity forest inventories in stands of various sizes.
Landowners interested in having a breeding bird survey done on their property can complete the request form below.