It’s time to choose the best of the best on the Indiana Birding Trail!
Have you ever traveled somewhere and wondered, “where are the best birding sites that I should focus on?” Sure, there are lots of resources with endless lists, but which ones can you really not miss?!
We’re asking YOU, Hoosiers, to help us decide which of the Indiana Birding Trail sites you absolutely cannot miss! We want to narrow down the 66 great birding locations to the top 10 best birding sites of Indiana. All you have to do is vote online starting on November 1st. Check out the link below to cast your votes!
CLICK HERE TO VOTE for the Indiana Birding Trail Hoosier Choice Awards
Hoosier Choice Awards Timeline
> November 1st-15th: Round 1 voting. Choose up to 5 of your favorite birding sites.
> November 20th-December 1st: Round 2 voting.
One vote per email address, per round.
Learn more about the Indiana Birding Trail to help you choose and don’t forget to check out the #21in21 Challenge!