Bird banding demonstrations offered at Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary
The public is invited to join Indiana Audubon for a morning of bird banding demonstrations at Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary this summer. The demonstrations are scheduled for select Saturdays from Memorial Day weekend through early August. Observers may arrive as early as 7am, but banding demonstrations will continue through 10am at the preserve’s large shelter. The 2018 banding dates are May 26, June 2,16, 23, July 7, 14, 21, 28, and August 5.
Bird banding provides a wealth of information on the habits of both migratory and breeding birds throughout the preserve. In the case of inclement weather, the banding will be cancelled for the safety of the birds. Participants are encouraged to bring bug spray, hiking shoes, and to dress in layers, as early mornings on the preserve can be cool.
Official event registration is not required, but participants are encouraged to call or email to let the banding staff know you are coming or to check on weather conditions at [email protected] or (765) 309-2958.
To learn more about the bird banding demonstrations or Indiana Audubon and to search for programs near you, visit them on the web at
Media contact: Brad Bumgardner, Executive Director (219) 928-6905, [email protected]