Turkey Vulture (Cathartes aura) By: Cookie Ferguson “The turkey vulture?!” you say. Yes, indeed, the turkey vulture is one...
Archive for year: 2021
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Audubon offers return of Indiana Dunes owl banding demonstrations this fall
, Latest News, banding demo, behind the scenes, Indiana Dunes, project owlnet, saw-whet owl, 0For immediate release: September 24, 2021 Indiana Audubon is partnering with the Indiana Dunes National and State Park a...
Golden-crowned Kinglet (Regulus satrapa) By: Kristen Sweinhart I never felt more like a Disney princess than I did that...
Audubon Birding Festival October 1-3 at McCormick’s Creek SP
, Latest News, canyon inn, fall festival, monty and rose, 0For immediate release: August 23, 2021 The Indiana Audubon is hosting its annual fall birding festival at McCormick’s Creek...
MGBS Resident Caretaker Application
, Latest News, job opening, mary gray, MGBS, operations manager, posting, resident caretaker, resident manager, 0The Mary Gray Bird Sanctuary Resident Caretaker is responsible for furthering Indiana Audubon’s mission through maintenance, operations, upkeep, and...
Sanderling (Calidris alba)By Andy Belt If you’ve ever taken a trip in late summer to Lake Michigan, chances are...
Indiana Audubon Society is encouraging birders and other nature enthusiasts to join our amazing community of birders! The summer membership...
Make plans to join us on Saturday, July 31 for the return of the Hummingbird Migration Celebration at Mary...
Tufted Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata)By Mary Fox When I volunteered to script the July BOTM, one of the first birds...
Feeder Restrictions Advised due to Bird Illness
, Latest News, Uncategorized, corvids, dnr, ill birds, sick and injured, sick birds, 0June 25, 2021 (updated 9/1/2021) Indiana Audubon is urging it’s members and bird enthusiasts to assist with the DNR’s...
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Indiana Audubon Society believes strongly in making birding a safe and accessible activity for all people, regardless of race, color, gender, national origin, age, religion, creed, disability, veteran’s status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.
We believe continuing efforts, discussions and action, no matter how uncomfortable at times, are needed to further ensure that birding and nature enjoyment is safe and accessible for everyone. We pledge to continue to support those that share our values and strive to make the outdoors truly accessible for everyone.